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Welcome to Nimbus 2000

An open-source project dedicated to predicting Bitcoin prices.

I have developed this app using the OpenBB SDK to provide users with a feature-rich dashboard displaying results from various prediction models, such as linear regression, TCN, N-Beats, NHITS, and ARIMA and more.

Through our Dashboard, you can freely explore the data and analyze market trends. My goal is to equip users with the necessary tools to make informed decisions in Bitcoin investment.

To support the project and gain unrestricted access to the Dashboard, I offer a monthly subscription. This will grant you the freedom to leverage the app's full potential.

Looking ahead, I am committed to developing a decentralized oracle that stores off-chain signals to further enhance our predictions. Additionally, I am working on creating an investment fund that utilizes the latest oracle results to make targeted Bitcoin investments.

Nimbus 2000 is an ambitious project aiming to deliver more accurate price predictions and empower users with the necessary tools to capitalize on the cryptocurrency market. I am grateful for the support and enthusiasm of the open-source community, and I invite anyone interested to join me on this journey towards success in the world of cryptocurrencies.